AASMT Training Courses


  • - Ability to perform cargo measurements and calculations manually - Understanding the importance of Intact / Damage stability condition - Knowledge of the effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim, stability and structural integrity - Knowledge of Cargo stowage preparations efficiently - Understand the various form of voyage order - Understanding the bill of lading - Knowledge of use the loadicator and it is calibration according to class standard


Data will be available soon!

Course Contents

 SI (Standard Institution) Unit  Various form of cargo volume Various form of liquid density Air/vacuum  Use of ASTM table  Obtaining of cargo temperature based on ASTM table standard  Trim/ list correction/ water interface  Share force and bending moment  Shore stop and ship stop  Line displacement considerations  Wedge calculation Cargo calculation manually exercise Cargo plan use of loadicator  VEF calculation


Data will be available soon!