AASMT Training Courses


  • The importance of the field of user interface design is to meet user expectations and support the effective functionality of the website/application. A good user interface facilitates fluid interaction between the user and the software, application or device through clear visuals and great design.


1- Organizing page designs and layouts that the user sees. 2- Choose color palettes and fonts.3- Designing interactive elements, such as scrolling tools, buttons, switches, menus, and text fields.4- Creating high-resolution frames and layouts to show the final design.5- Work closely with developers to turn designs into a practical product.

Course Contents

1- Arranging and easy to display information Arranging and organizing your website content in a logical manner is important to help users navigate the site with minimal effort. Components of IA include three main types of organizational structures: Hierarchical structures (level of importance). Sequential structures (the logical order of steps). The matrix (where the user chooses to organize the content they see). If the user interface is well designed, the site will have a smooth and easy-to-use organization for visitors, such as navigation elements (buttons, tabs, icons), labels, search features (the search bar), and organization systems (categories).2- Outstanding interactive design All elements in a website or application aim to convert readers or visitors into active participants by providing examples of user input. Keeping the user in mind while creating the user interface will help improve interaction and implement specific designs that meet user needs. In addition, efficient


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