AASMT Training Courses


  • Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language developed by Google. It supports application development in both client and server-side. But it is widely used for the development of android apps, iOS apps, IoT(Internet of Things), and web applications using the Flutter Framework.


Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language developed by Google. It supports application development in both client and server-side. But it is widely used for the development of android apps, iOS apps, IoT(Internet of Things), and web applications using the Flutter Framework.

Course Contents

 Flutter SDK Installation Setup Flutter on VS Code and android studio Create first flutter project Create Hello World App with Flutter Variables in dart with Flutter String variables in Dart with Flutter If statements in dart with Flutter Switch statements in dart with flutter While Loops in Dart with flutter For Loops in Dart with Flutter Using Functions in Dart with flutter Object oriented programming in Dart with Flutter Classes Constructors In Dart Inheritance in dart with Dart Constructors in Inheritance Polymorphism in Dart Static variables and methods in dart Functional Programming And Lambda Expression Using Collections In Dart Using Sets and Maps in Dart Exceptions Handling In Dart


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