AASMT Training Courses


  • 1. Possessing the skills of a skilled media speaker and qualifying him to express his organization efficiently and effectively, and to influence2. In order to achieve its strategic goals and maintain its reputation.3. The ability to understand media tools, their characteristics, and the concept of media in general4. Dealing with various media in its various forms, paper, digital, television and radio.5. Employing media platforms to serve the objectives of the institution.6. How to build a positive mental image among the public about itself and its organization.7. Building a mental image of what is behind the media and methods of reaching goals8. Mastering attention control, passing information, and controlling emotions under pressure


Data will be available soon!

Course Contents

The course of the official spokesperson and effective media spokesperson, to highlight one of the most important forms of media presence for public relations or media personnel, department managers and a large number of employeeswho may be called upon to give a speech or speak on behalf of the institution.This program will cover all axes of character building, body language, and comprehensive media appearance in terms of social media appearances, television and press interviews, conducting interviews, dealing with paper, digital, audiovisual, and dealing with the camera, radio interviews, and dealing with foreign media.


Data will be available soon!