AASMT Training Courses


  • • Write a software program using standard and compiled programming language under Linux using free software/open source software compiler.• Understand programming essentials• Understand programming basics such as variables ,conditional statements and loops• Test your software programs• Understanding the concept of object oriented programming


Learning Outcomes• Write a software program using standard and compiled languages under Linux using the free software/open source software compiler.• Understand programming essentials.• Understand programming basics such as variables, conditional statements and loops.• Test your software programs.• Understanding the concept of object oriented programming.• Qualifying our students for the increasing demand in the ICT market for software engineers.• Understanding the value of free software and the value of open source software and their importance in the modern ICT market.

Course Contents

• Meaning of standard Language.• Free software vs. Open source software.• Introduction to programming languages.• Standard programming languages.• Compiled languages.• Third generation languages.• Linux development tools.• Preparing Environment under Linux.• Programming using a standard programming language and a free software compiler under Linux• Free software compiler.• Hello World.• Compiling Hello World program.• Linker.• Libraries.• Static libraries• Dynamic libraries• Output test.• Basic Syntax.• Data types variables and operators.• Data types.• Primary.• Derived.• User defined.• Valueless (void).• Data type conversion• Variables.• Integer.• Character.• Boolean.• Floating Point.• Double Floating Point.• Wide Character.• Operators.• Arithmetic operators.• Assignment operators.• Comparison operators.• Logical operators.• Bitwise operators.• Compound assignment operators.• Other important operators.• Constants and l


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