AASMT Training Courses


  • • Write software programs using free software/open source software programming Language.• Understand programming essentials.• Understand programming basics such as variables, conditional statements and loops.• Understand the concepts of lists and dictionaries and their importance in the new generation of smart networks and network programmability


Learning Outcomes• Understanding how to write a simple software program using free software/open source software programming Language.• Understanding programming essentials.• Understanding programming basics such as variables, conditional statements and loops.• Understanding the concepts of lists and dictionaries and their importance in the new generation of smart networks and network programmability• Qualifying our students for the increasing demand in the ICT market for software engineers.• Understanding the value of free software and the value of open source software and their importance in the modern ICT market.

Course Contents

Programming 1Outline• Introduction to programming languages.• Types of programming languages.• Meaning of free software.• Meaning of open source software.• Third generation languages.• Interpreted languages• Programming language intended use.• Preparing programming environment under Linux.• Programming using free software/open source software programming language.• Hello World.• Variables, data types and operators.• Variable• Data types.• Numeric.• Integer.• Float.• Complex number.• Boolean.• Sequence.• String.• Lists.• Tuples.• Dictionaries.• Data type conversion.• Operators.• Arithmetic operators.• Assignment operators.• Comparison operators.• Logical operators.• Identity operators.• Membership operators.• Bitwise operators.• Literals.• Input function.• Print function.• Sort function.• Identifier.• Regular expressions.• Flow Control.• Conditional Statements.• The If statements.• Loops.• Nested


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