AASMT Training Courses


  • At the completion of this course you will be able to:• Write scripts using free software / open source software scripting languages • Create select menu and multi-select menu.• Automate advanced Linux tasks.


Learning Outcomes• Understanding how to scripts using free software / open source software scripting language. • Understanding how to create select menu and multi-select menu.• Understanding how to automate advanced Linux tasks.• Qualifying our students for the increasing demand in the ICT market for automation engineers.• Understanding the value of free software and the value of open source software and their importance in the modern ICT market• Computer science or related fields undergraduates/graduates /postgraduates (Egyptians and non-Egyptians).• Information system or related fields undergraduates/graduates /postgraduates (Egyptians and non-Egyptians).• Communication engineering or related fields undergraduates/graduates/postgraduates (Egyptians and non-Egyptians).• Computer engineering or related fields undergraduates/graduates /postgraduates (Egyptians and non-Egyptians).• Mechatronics engineering or related fields undergraduates/graduates /postgraduates

Course Contents

Scripting and AutomationOutline • Meaning of free software.• Meaning of open source software.• Introduction to scripting languages.• scripting languages for specific environments• Scripting under Linux using free software/ open source software scripting language.• Variables.• Operators.• Arithmetic Operators.• Relational Operators.• Boolean Operators.• Bitwise Operators.• File Test Operators.• User input.• Read command.• Output command.• Aliases.• Regular expressions.• Sort command.• Flow Control.• Conditional Statements.• If statements.• Loops.• Nested Loops.• File processing.• Functions.• Select menu.• Multi-select menu.• Automate all tasks.• Debugging the Script.• Scripting Modularity.• Scripting scalability.• Testing.• Hands-on labs.• Case Study.• Mini project.


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