AASMT Training Courses


  • • Understand how SDN will solve the traditional problems of current networks.• Understand how SDN will help in automate the network.• Understand NFV.• Understand SDN most popular free software/open source software controller.


• Understanding how SDN will solve the traditional problems of current networks.• Understanding how SDN will help in automates the network.• Understanding NFV.• Understanding SDN most popular free software/open source software controller.• Qualifying our students for the increasing demand in the ICT market for SDN engineers.• Understanding the value of free software and the value of open source software and their importance in the modern ICT market.

Course Contents

SDNOutline • SDN Overview.• Data and Control Planes in SDN.• Separation of the control and data planes.• SDN architecture.• Linux Networking and SDN.• Network programmability.• SSH/TELNET/CLI.• SNMP.• NETCONF.• RESTCONF.• OpenFlow .• Data modeling.• Network Virtualization.• Network Functions Virtualization (NFV).• Multi-Tenancy.• Northbound API.• Southbound API.• Hands-on labs using SDN most popular free software/open source software controller.• SDN security.• Tasks automation.• Hands-on labs.• Case Study.• Mini project.


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