AASMT Training Courses


  • Emergencies can occur at any time and while prevention is the key to avoiding emergencies, it's important that everyone at the workplace be prepared if, and when, they do occur. This course provides workers with a basic understanding of what is required to prepare for workplace emergencies, how they can be ready to respond as well as what they should know about their employer’s emergency response plan.This course provides an overview of the emergency preparedness process and the steps to respond to an emergency. It provides an awareness of a systematic approach to universal emergency management principles. So that everyone is able to respond in the best way possible in an emergency situation The course aims to provide the trainee with greater awareness of:• What emergencies are• Importance of emergency response• Emergency response frameworks• Vital roles in an emergency• Steps to follow in various types of emergency


Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:• Describe the key steps in pre-planning emergencies• Identify potential emergencies in the workplace• Explain roles in emergency planning and response.

Course Contents

• Key Steps to Emergency Preparedness• Rights and Responsibilities of Employers and Workers• Identifying Potential Emergencies• Activating the Response• Evacuation and Assembly Procedures• Emergency Response Details• Training Requirements


Data will be available soon!