AASMT Training Courses


  • the course aims to :.use drawing CAD programs such as covelo draw .use programs that make CNC working such as Art CAM make CNC machine work and maintenance needs


in the end of course the trainees will be able to :.make CNC machine work and make the maintenance needs .draw on the several programs.manufacture any product or piece on CNC machine .

Course Contents

•Introduction to Coreldraw•CAD CAM programs•Intoduction to CNC •Arrange & Tools Menu•Text & View Menu•Tool Box•File & Edit Menu•Exporting to other programs•Combining shapes•Drawing Simple Shapes•2D drawing and sending the file to the CNC machine•Opening files & drawings in Art CAM•Introduction to Art CAM•Types of end milling tools•Practical Exam•Periodic maintenance and wood cutting & drilling •Machine Operation


Data will be available soon!