AASMT Training Courses


  • • This course aims to help divers companies and factories to develop and improve manufacturing jobs without waste money and energy.• Help all who wants to join in programming in companies and factories fields .


In the end of course the trainees have ability to :• How to programing Logic Controller.• Modify the production lines in the factories.• Maintenance all job needs in the factories.• Discover all imperfections in the programs.

Course Contents

• What is PLC s7300, Advantages of PLC s7300, I/O elements, SIMATIC PRODUCT OVERVIEW.• SIMATIC manager software.• Hardware Configuration, Blocks & Programing Language, Binary & Logic Operation, Numbering System.• S7 300 Hardware Configuration, Examples and Applications on Binary & Logic Operation, Numbering System.• Timers, counters and comparison operations.• Examples and Applications on Timers, counters and comparison operations.• Mathematical operation and Converter.• Examples and Applications on Mathematical operation and Converter.• Declaration table, Data block and Analog modules.• Examples and Applications on Declaration table, Data block and Analog modules.


Data will be available soon!