AASMT Training Courses


  • • Understand and interpret risk model outputs• Translate risk reports and metrics into actionable insights• Evaluate risk-return trade-offs for various options• Formulate risk mitigation strategies based on analysis


Participants in the "Foundations of Risk-informed Decision-Making" course will gain a comprehensive understanding of risk management's significance in decision-making, learn to interpret various risk models, and analyze model outputs effectively. Through interactive exercises and case studies, they will develop skills in evaluating risk-return trade-offs, employing advanced risk analytics techniques, and formulating actionable risk mitigation strategies. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to communicate risk insights confidently, track the effectiveness of mitigation plans, and contribute to informed decision-making processes in their respective domains.

Course Contents

Day 1: Foundations of Risk-informed Decision-Making• Morning:• Introduction: The importance of risk management in decision-making, course overview, and participant introductions.• Understanding Risk Models: Types of risk models, how they work, limitations and uncertainties.• Interpreting Model Outputs: Analyzing risk scores, and other model outputs, translating them into business language.• Interactive Activity: Practice interpreting model outputs for real-world case studies.• Afternoon:• Exploring Risk Reports and Metrics: Different types of risk reports, key risk indicators (KRIs), and other common metrics.• Deep Dive into Subsidiary Data: Analyzing reports and metrics specific to the participants' subsidiaries, identifying key risks and trends.• Group Discussion: Share insights from subsidiary data, discuss challenges and opportunities.Day 2: Analyzing Risk-Return Trade-offs• Morning:• Risk Quantification: Techniques for assigning probabilities and impacts to risks, und


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