AASMT Training Courses


Meteorology Programs


  • Understanding the shape of the Earth and different datums used to determine positionUnderstanding GNSS positioning and the factors affecting this positionsUnderstanding Inertial Navigation SystemsTake over levelling sessions and find difference of elevation


Describe the shape of the Earth in termsof potential and ellipsoidal modelsDescribe modern geodetic referencesystems and associated reference framesDescribe horizontal and vertical datumtransformation conceptsDescribe geometry of lines on theellipsoid and perform forward and inversecomputations on the ellipsoidal surfaceusing available softwareUndertake control surveys, establish,mark and describe control stations,describe horizontal positioningprocedures, apply appropriate methodsand use corresponding instruments forpositioningDescribe the deployment, calibration,signal structure and performance ofacoustic positioning devices.Describe the use of acoustic positioningsystems in offshore survey operationDescribe principles and use of IMU’sincluding north finding and heaveestimation.Compare IMU heading measurementswith magnetic and gyro compassesDescribe principles and use of IMU’sincluding north finding and heaveestimation.Compar

Course Contents

Shape of the Earth as a sphere,ellipsoid of revolution and thegeoid; Definitions of astronomicalterms and time. Geodetic computations on theellipsoid. Local geodetic reference framesAcoustic PositioningLong baseline Short baseline Ultra-short baseline Transponders Depth sensors Integration with INS andvelocity sensorsGyros and accelerometers IMU Procedures for INS static anddynamic alignment Use of IMU in heaveestimation