Meteorology Programs
- Understanding the basic elements of Meteorology and the effect of these elements at sea state and Hydrographic survey work
Define physical meteorologicalparametersOperate instruments and sensors used toregister temperature, pressure, directionand intensity of wind. Record theseparameters according to internationallyaccepted standards.Identify characteristics of weather bysimple observation of the sea and the skyExplain the relation between atmosphericpressure, temperature and wind. Describewind circulation around pressure systemsand the effect of friction.Interpret a synoptic chart. Produce anoperational short range forecast based onmeteorological information, weatherbulletins and facsimile charts
Course Contents
Weather observationsVertical structure and thevariability of the atmosphereTemperature, humidity, dewpoint,frost-point Atmospheric pressure, windsClouds and precipitations Rain, snow Visibility, advection fog andradiation fog Pressure systems Geostrophic winds, anabaticand katabatic windsInstruments and sensors used