AASMT Training Courses


  • The course aimed to provide the trainer with the following aspects: High Voltages safety rules  High Voltage international requisites. High Voltage electronic equipment High Voltage insulation procedures High voltages safe working procedures  High Voltage propulsion systems


On completion of training, trainees will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to enable them to: Understand the different high voltage safety rules Take remedial action necessary during system faults Produce a switching strategy for isolating HV system components Carried out the ship load capacity for High voltage ships Carry out the technical issues related to use of high voltage system onboard ships.

Course Contents

1. High Voltage Hazards and safety guidelines 2. High voltage propulsion system: components and their functions.3. Breaker Calibration4. I.R and P.I test 5. Ship load capacity6. Isolation points7. Protective devices8. Shore connection9. Simulator Training10. Workshop Training


Data will be available soon!