AASMT Training Courses


  • On Completion of the course, students should satisfactory understand the basic pilotage formalities, different pilot documents, port documents, ship documents and capable of understanding different perspectives of pilot and master communications , basic pilot seamanship organizations, documentation, terminologies, liabilities and reporting.


Data will be available soon!

Course Contents

• Introduction to pilotage• Declaration of Names and Addresses.• Condition of Use Port Terminal Facilities.• Hiring of Tugs.• General Towage Certificate.• pilot general awareness in berthing• Pilot / Master Information Exchange and Operational Checklist.• Agreement on Smoking Places and Galley Fires.• Safety Conditions.• Ship / Shore Safety Checklist Part A.• Ship / Shore Safety Checklist Part B.• Ship / Shore Safety Checklist Part C.• Ship / Shore Safety Checklist Part D.• Stop Loading Certificate.• pilot general awareness in un- berthing• Pilot / Master Information Exchange and Operational Checklist.• Declaration of Names and Addresses.• General Towage Certificate• Ship's NOR.• Port NORPilot boarding awareness• Pilot Card• Wheelhouse posters• Ship's particulars Information.• The Ship's Turning Circle,• Man Overboard• Pilot obligations and reporting• Part Load.• Tidal Load Procedure.• SBM Pilots Log Book• Claim Letters• Initial Reports (Accidents / Oil S


Data will be available soon!