AASMT Training Courses


  • On completion of this course, students should satisfactorily develop all the main language skills, covering the IMO's recommended maritime syllabus and presents English in an exclusively maritime context so students learn the English they need at work and practice it in realistic situations and by discussing issues that are relevant to the maritime industry.


• form questions and answer them correctly.• acquaint themselves with the vocabulary for making checks.• use correct vocabulary for navigation.• use verbs related to berthing and unberthing of the ship.• understand the method of dead reckoning in navigation.• distinguish different distress situations and use appropriate signals.• know different weather conditions and describe them.• use the vocabulary for making checks.• use SMCPs for communication with Vessel Traffic Services.• give and respond to orders.• use the appropriate terminology to communicate with VTS stations.• use the various message markers correctly and effectively.

Course Contents

• Forming questions & answers, orders & responses.• Acquaint students with the vocabulary for making checks.• Introducing maritime terms for communication with Vessel Traffic Services (VTS).• Practice on using the maritime terms for communication with VTS.• Vocabulary for describing weather. Practice on putting meteorological symbols into words.• How to structure weather forecasts.Understanding weather warnings for shipping• Vocabulary for describing maritime emergencies.• Acquaintance with the radio protocols for emergency situations. • Understanding notices for emergency procedures.Discussion on the piracy• Strategies for deconstructing the language of maritime regulations.• Introduction to passive constructions.• Speaking practice on issues raised by navigational rules.Importance of stressed syllables.• Introducing all parties involved in cargo handling.• Charter party report • Bill of lading report• Cargo manifest report• Introducing terms for types of cargo.


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