AASMT Training Courses


College of Maritime Transport and Technology


  • This Course Aims To Introduce The International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972, recognition and identification of buoys, The course aims to introduce to the students the necessary skills for Maintaining a safe navigational watch. In addition the Course Aims to support the knowledge of rules of the road based on all relevant IMO resolutions and guidelines available at the time, to meet the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-II/1 of STCW as amended. (Manila, 2010), for Function 3: Controlling the Operation of the Ship at the Operational Level.


• Demonstrate sailing at traffic separation schemes.• Take actions to Avoid Collision in different cases.Analyze data available to avoid collision following rules of the road applications.• Understand collision regulation and factors affecting “safe speed”.• Recognize the different types of Buoyage systems

Course Contents

• Introduction and aim of course.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 1 to 3.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 4 to 11.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 12 to 18.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 19 to 23.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 24 to 27.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 28 to 35.• Collision regulations (Collreg) rule 36 to 38.• Annexes of collision regulations (Collreg) 1 to 4.• The International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Buoyage systems.