AASMT Training Courses


College of Maritime Transport and Technology


  • • Analyse the concept of ship-owners liability, limitation of liability regimes and enforcement of maritime claims


1. Explain the fundamental concepts of risk, loss and insurability of risk and fundamental principles of marine insurance law2. Discuss different types of marine risks and applicable insurance cover for such risks3. Understand principles of ship owners’ liability and analyse the application of different limitation regimes4. Understand enforcement of maritime claims and arrest of ships

Course Contents

1. Definition of risk and loss (direct loss/consequential loss) and insurability of risk2. Risk management (retention, control and risk transfer)3. The fundamental principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith and indemnity4. Types of risk in shipping (total loss, constructive total loss, partial loss, third party liability, expenses)5. Hull and Machinery insurance6. P&I insurance7. Cargo insurance8. General average9. Salvage10. Freight insurance, Loss of hire, Strike insurance, War risks11. Liability for maritime claims, global limitation and their relation to marine insurance12. Limitation of liability for pollution, passenger and cargo claims13. Enforcement and priorities of maritime claims14. Arrest of ships