AASMT Training Courses


  • The course aimed to provide the trainer with the following aspects: International requisites for high voltage knowledge.  Advantages of high voltage systems  Hazards High voltage equipment on board  High voltage safety rules Safe working procedures  Protective devices


On completion of training, trainees will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to enable them to: Understand the functional, operational and safety requirements for a marine high voltage system Take remedial action necessary during system faults Produce a switching strategy for isolating HV system components Select suitable apparatus for isolation and testing HV equipment Carry out a switching and isolation procedure on a marine HV system complete with safety documentation

Course Contents

1. International requisites for high voltage knowledge2. Advantages of high voltage systems3. Hazards and safety guidelines4. The functional operational5. High voltage equipment on board6. Structure of Main switch board7. High voltage safety rules8. Safe working procedures9. Protective devices10. Operation of VCB11.Group Exercise [Simulator]


Data will be available soon!