AASMT Training Courses


  • Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:Discuss risks associated with working on floating docks.List block loading steps for vessels in floating docks.Describe how a pumping plan is designed and used in floating docks.State different non-destructive test methods and their techniques.Describe different types of equipment used on floating docks.


Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:Identify safety and risk assessment measures used with floating docking systems.Design a block loading plan for vessels in floating docks.Design a pumping plan for floating docks.Apply floating dock inspection techniques.Create vessel transfer arrangements and systems from and to floating docks.Identify various non-destructive testing techniques and their appropriate applications.Describe various pumps, valves and diesel engines types, their design, construction, and theory of operation.Construct an emergency evacuation plan for floating docks.

Course Contents

SafetyRisk AssessmentBlock LoadingPumping PlanFloating Dock InspectionsFloating Dock Transfer SystemsTransfer ArrangementVessel Transfer To - From Floating DocksNDTPumpsValvesDiesel EnginesEvacuationEmergencyFinal Evaluation


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