AASMT Training Courses


  • The metaverse offerscreators a chance to buildtheir livelihoods aroundtheir work. Trainees willexplore its nature,interaction methods, andconnections with others.They will also analyze theecological impact,decentralization's role inethics and accessibility, anduse Spatial to create spacesfor cultural sharing.Trainees can leverage theirspaces for engagingcontent, communitybuilding, and sales. They'lllearn about architects,devices, platforms, XR, thecreator economy, and themetaverse's impact oneducation, healthcare,planning, and more.Communication,marketing, design, art,entertainment and sportswill also be covered.


Understand the conceptof the Metaverse and itsimplications. Explore the role ofavatars in seamlessnavigation within theMetaverse.Learn about connectingwith others and socialinteractions in theMetaverse. Discuss the ecologicalimpact and ethicalconsiderations of theMetaverse.Discover the architects,devices, and platformsused in the Metaverse, aswell as the role of gameengines and XRtechnology. Understand thedecentralization andopen-source nature ofthe Metaverse. Learn how to build asafe and secureMetaverse environmentand protect intellectualproperty.

Course Contents

The syllabus coversvirtual environments,introducing VR, AR,and XR technologiesand exploring theirapplications. It delves into the conceptof the Metaverse,discussing experiences,avatars, interoperability,and creation of virtualidentities.Work and connectionsin the Metaverse areexplored, includingcommunication,collaboration, ecologicalimplications, anddecentralization.The syllabus examinesthe entities involved increating the Metaverse,such as interconnectedecosystems, devices,virtual socialexperiences, and gameengines. Accessing theMetaverse is discussed,highlighting XRtechnology, futurewearable devices, andthe creator economy


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