AASMT Training Courses


  • The course will support engineering companies in establishing procedures, plans and instructions as appropriate, for relevant key operations. This course will ensure fundamental comprehension of Cyber Security and Cyber Attack prevention in the industry through the provision of essential terminologyIt summarizes criminal tactics and methodology for circumvent security protocols and introduces fundamental strategies and methodologies essential for implementing Engineering Assessment and Cyber Risk Analysis


Carry out a creative and systematic thinking for the design process, analyze marine and offshore structure plan, propose alternative solutions, and select the optimum solutions considering contradicting requirements and priorities

Course Contents

Fundamentals and introduction to Engineering cyber securityCyber Security in the Engineering world: organizations, norms and standardsInvolvement in cargo operations and network sensorsThe human factors of credentialing and safety regulationsGeneral knowledge of Cyber Threats and how they are effective (real-world case studies)Cyber defense: detection, reaction, resilienceBest practice ‘Cyber Hygiene’Developing and following a Cyber Security Assessment and PlanAwareness and application of the mitigation measures that is most appropriateCase studies


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