AASMT Training Courses


  • • Describe the broad concept and principles of GIS, recognizing the distinction between GISytems and GIScience.• Identify the special characteristics of spatial data, define, and contrast the two primary methods for storage, manipulation and analysis of spatial information.• Identify and apply the various types of attribute data.• Discuss the design and operation of the relational database management system model and its relationship to the geodatabase model.


• Describe the functional components of a GIS.• Define system specifications including projections, data and process modelling.• Organize, using appropriate data structures, geographic data within a GIS.• Analyze data and prepare digital databases using GIS software.• Summarize, using maps and tables, the results of GIS based analyses.• Using GIS Software.

Course Contents

• Introduction.• History.• Definitions, components and processes.• GIS and decision support systems (DSSs).• GIS & Map Anatomy.• Data, Information, Characteristics and Visualization.• Data Models for GIS.• Geospatial Data Management.• GIS Software.


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