AASMT Training Courses


  • • Understanding Geodatabase Concept• Understanding Structure data into Database.• Run topology Rules.• Knowing difference between Domain & Subtype.• Understanding Advanced GeoDatabase Features.• Building Geometric Networks.• Building Network Analyst.


By the end of this course, Students will be able to :• Create Geodatabase (mdb – file geodatabase).• Create Domain.• Create Subtype.• Create the Relationship (Join & Relate method).• Create Topology Rules.• Create Geometric Networks.• Create Network Analyst.

Course Contents

• Overview of a GeoDatabase• Geo-database concept and techniques.• Import\Export data (feature dataset-feature class-annotation).• Advanced GeoDatabase Features.• Create & Edit Domain.• Create & Edit Subtype.• Create & Edit Topology.• Create & Edit Relationship.• Exploring Geometric Networks Features.• Exploring Network Analyst Features.


Data will be available soon!