AASMT Training Courses


  • Electric Power Distribution Systems presents a full range of technology and application topics with the goal of providing students a fundamental understanding of one of the major functions of the electric power system – distribution. Students will learn the planning, design, analysis and operational concepts of the distribution system.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to plan, model, study, and design distribution systems including considerations of voltage regulation, protection, and reliability.

Course Contents

1) Introduction•Generation•Transmission•Distribution2) Lighting•Types of lamps.•Types of luminaries.•Lighting design.•Luminaries selection from catalogues.•Distribution of luminaries (Manual & Using Dialux).•Lighting Load calculations.3) Sockets•Types of sockets.•Distribution of sockets.•Sockets load calculations.4) Cables Sizing and Selection4.1 Cables construction and classifications according to•Operating voltage•Operating frequency•Insulation level•Conductor type4.2 Cables design and Derating factors4.3 Cables selection5) Distribution Boards•Drawing of Single Line Diagram•Design of distribution board and wiring system for lighting•Control of lighting•Design of distribution board and wiring system for sockets6) Lifts•Power calculation for induction motor.•Design of distribution board.7) Circuit Breakers7.1 Construction, operation and selection of C.B according to•Rated voltage of C.B•Rated current of C.B•Instantaneous shor


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