AASMT Training Courses


  • o Grasp the understanding of the necessary steps/ tools required to develop a successful value creating strategy in an organization. o Gain practice in analyzing various competitive situations. o Comprehend answering the following questions: o Where are we now? (situational analysis)o Where do we want to be? (setting objectives and vision)o How do we get there? (strategy creation)


o What is strategy?o Industry Attractivenesso Value-based Strategieso Sustainabilityo Diversification and Growtho Strategies for Vertical Integrationo Alliances for Achieving Strategic Objectives: Corporate Social Responsibility

Course Contents

Competitive advantage is the basis for superior company performance. Competitive strategy course is divided into two parts: (1) identifying and nurturing sustainable competitive strategies (2) strategy implementation work efficiently. The course provides insights that allow participants to consider how organizations can nurture an evolving competitive advantage system in order to allow it to perform successfully against the competition over a period of time. The course provides approaches and methods that can be applied in organizations to be able to identify and analyze the advantages it has and use them to achieve superior performance. The topics discussed in this course include organizational structures, competitive advantage, value management and value engineering. The course also provides insights on the implementation phase - how successful achievement of strategic objectives is built on series of steps for monitoring and control, which align the resources of the organization w


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