The evaluation process includes the following Steps:
Eligibility check The AASTMT will check the eligibility of all submitted proposals taking into consideration the general eligibility criteria. As General eligibility criteria, Proposals must comply with the description of the proposal as described above and must meet the submission deadline. Non-eligible proposals will be rejected.
Peer review: A dedicated pool of evaluators or Peer Reviewers PRs consisting of independent experts assesses anonymously the merits of the submitted proposals. They will also provide narrative comments, and list the strengths and weaknesses in each criterion. An overall threshold of 66% of the maximum score needs to be met for a proposal to be considered for funding. PRs will score proposals based on six sets of criteria: significance, originality, approach/methodology, research team, research environment and budget, as follows:
Significance (Maximum 30 points):
Originality (Maximum 20 Points):
Qualifications of Research Team (Maximum 20 Points)
Approach/Methodology (Maximum 15 Points): 
Resources (Maximum 5 Points):
Budget (Maximum 10 Points):
The Review Committee will consolidate the results of the evaluation and make recommendations to the AASTMT GRANT in the form of a ranking list of Proposals proposed for funding. The Review Committee will in particular consider proposals that have received an abnormally broad span of scores from the evaluators. Selected consortia will be asked to elaborate their respective consortium agreement before any contract or award can be made.