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Mohamed Adel Youssef

Assistant professor


Mohammed Alhasheem (Member, IEEE, IET, IDA, EES) was born in Egypt on September 9, 1989. He received the B.Sc. (hons.) and M.Sc. (hons.) degrees in electrical and control engineering from Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2019. He is currently with Arab Academy (AASTMT), Cairo, Egypt, as an Assistant Professor. In 2018, he was with the Management and Engineering Department, Padova University, Padova, Italy, as a Visiting Scholar for six months, where he was working on several research activities. In September 2015, he joined the AASTMT as a Lecturer Assistant, where he was working on several research activities for one year and helped in teaching several power electronics, power systems, and control courses for the undergraduate students. From 2014 to 2015, he was a Demonstrator and Instructor in Siemens laboratory inside AASTMT, where he helped in teaching ‘’programmable logic controller (PLC), Siemens S300 – Step7’’. From 2012 to 2015, he was Graduate Teaching Assistant in addition to working as Electrical Engineer in AASTMT. His major research interests include power electronics converters and their applications for energy storage, renewable energy systems, mobility, microgrids, and energy storage integration within low- and medium-voltage systems, analysis, modeling, control, and investigation of new power converter topologies. He has more than 4 journal papers, 10 conference papers, and one book chapter in the area of expertise. Dr. Alhasheem is also serving as an Associate Editor with Circuit World Journal and as a Reviewer in several journals such as, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, the Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and IET Power Electronics.



Master - Arab Academy for Science ,Technology and Maritime Transport -

Master Degree in Electrical and Control Engineering Electrical and Control Department


Bachelor - Arab Academy for Science ,Technology and Maritime Transport -

Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Control Engineering Electrical and Control Department


work experience

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Professional Experience

  • IEEE
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • IET
    Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • IDA
    Danish Society of Engineers
  • EES
    Egyptian Engineers Syndicate


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

EE238 - Electric Engineering Fundamentals

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

EE231 - Electrical Circuits (1)

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

EE543 - Electrical Power Distribution

2015 Fall Semester View All Content
- Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes

EE548 - Electromechanical Systems for Commercial Installations

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EE422 - Electrical Machines (3)

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EE442 - Power Systems Protection (1)

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

EE322 - Electrical Machines (2)

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

EE423 - Power Electronics (2)

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

EE413 - Microprocessor-Based Control

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

EE411 - Control Systems (1)

2013 Summer Semester View All Content

EE545 - High Voltage Engineering

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

EE516 - Modern Control Systems

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

EE416 - Microcontroller Applications

2012 Fall Semester View All Content


pOwer electroNics baSed powEr sysTem group

Consulting Project
Start Date : 09 Sep 2021-09 Sep 2021
We are a group of researchers, developers, and collaborators who are specialized in energy storage systems, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and Microgrids. Our major objectives are to improve the operation and control of the systems stated above as well as disseminate the scientific knowledge and results. Our vision is to bridge the gap between industry and university researchers by delivering real-world engineering solutions.

contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Mobile : 01117699989

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Location : AbuKir AAST 408 B