The 2024 International Conference
on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation

12 - 14 May 2024, Egypt

Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport,
AASTMT Main Campus, Alexandria, Egypt

Under the patronage of his Excellency the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Abu EL-Gheit, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology and His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Welcome Word

The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation (ICMISI 2024) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in the theory, methodology, and applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Biomedical Engineering, and Smart Innovation. The Conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in theoretical and practical aspects. The Conference aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.

This conference brings together experts to broaden their knowledge in emerging areas of research at the field of Artificial Intelligence, machine intelligence and smart innovation. ICMISI allows academia to meet industry from the international community to exchange experiences, demonstrate their studies, and further advance AI technologies. It serves as the best platform allowing scholars, technological researchers, and industry to exchange experiences, and demonstrate their studies and further advance AI technologies on various domains. Artificial Intelligence is driving a new revolution in manufacturing, automotive, healthcare, robotics, entertainment, and many others. New computing platforms are required to support emerging AI algorithms and applications, from cloud servers to edge devices, from system to circuit level.

"The technical program will include plenary sessions, regular technical sessions, special sessions, panels, tutorials, and special events devoted to students and young professionals, Women in Engineering, entrepreneurs and industries."

The conference will provide grant support for undergraduate students with IEEE student membership to attend the tutorials and technical sessions. Additionally, we will announce a poster competition for undergraduate students with the theme of Smart, innovative solutions for healthcare. The conference will provide grant support to allow teams with IEEE membership to participate for free in the poster session and will be subject to winning awards.

Conference Tracks

The ICMISI 2024 Conference is established to facilitate the state-of-the-art research, innovation, and development activities at the frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Machine intelligence and Smart Technology. It serves as the best platform allowing scholars, technological researchers, and industry to exchange experiences, and demonstrate their studies and further advance AI technologies on various domains.

This conference brings together experts to broaden their knowledge in emerging areas of research at the field of Artificial Intelligence, machine intelligence and smart innovation. The program for ICMISI 2024 is multidisciplinary, with topics relative (but not limited) to the following Conference Tracks:

Important Dates

12-14 May 2024

Conference Date
  • 25

    Submission (Extended)

    Your Submission Deadline: 25 January 2024

  • 5


    Paper Notification of Acceptance: 5 March 2024

  • 24

    Camera Ready

    Camera Ready: 24 March 2024

Conference Venue

Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport,
Main Campus, Alexandria

AASTMT, Main Campus

Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport,
Abu Qir, Alexandria
