
One of the top priorities of the College of International Transport & Logistics is research. The field of transport, supply chain management and logistics in Egypt and the Middle East region in general is described as being in its infancy and a rather limited amount of research have been carried in the past years to address these vital areas.

CITL focuses on the undergraduates’ research skills development through the different courses as students are assigned to solve problems, propose new ideas and undertake feasibility studies. In their graduation projects, students are required to solve an actual business problem which is related to their areas of specialization. These projects are then evaluated internally by academic staff and externally by business professionals through poster presentations. Distinguished research projects have been accepted for presentation at prestigious research conferences in Europe and the Americas.

In addition, CITL pays great attention to its staff research output and development. CITL organizes different courses and seminars that would suit the different training needs of its staff. CITL staff are constantly encouraged to participate in local and international conferences in Europe, Asia and the Americas as well as publishing in highly ranked scientific journals.

CITL also plays the role of the specialized consulting body for the League of Arab States. CITL was requested to undertake several studies that mainly aimed at increasing the interconnectivity of the Arab States to foster economic and social development. On the international level, CITL is also an active member in participating in several EU funded projects that focused on supply chain development in the Mediterranean region.

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