Manager Of Center

  • I would like to welcome you to the Marine Hotel center, which is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of maritime hospitality at the level of Egypt and the Middle East.
  • Our primary mission is to achieve "leadership and excellence in hospitality education" through a commitment to excellence in teaching, scientific research and cooperation and communication to the work environment hotel. Hospitality center featuring marine elite cadre of faculty members and their assistants who have academic and practical experience in the fields of maritime hospitality. There is no doubt that the use of these specialized cadres given our students a competitive advantage in all disciplines.
  • Climate education provided by the Centre is keen to provide students with practical experiences and artistic that make them closely related to the field of work and provide them with a balance of practical experience and outstanding integrated. I would also like to emphasize that the hospitality Freedom Center is keen on continuing progress and development. This development is visible in the quality of excellence and ambitious students who attracted by the center, and in the quality of programs offered, and in our ability to invent new forms of learning through the provision of the latest technology industry, in addition to our excellence in curriculum, teaching and scientific activities and student services


Manager of Maritime Hotel Center  

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