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sarah yosy saber Hussien

AŁssociate Professor and Head of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Department


I started my professional career in 2004 as a graduate teaching assistant in the Productivity and Quality Institute (PQI), where I a participated in a number of course designs. To enhace my knowledge in the field of management and specifically quality management, I joined the master program of Total quality management in 2004 till 2006. Since I am originaly an Electronics and Communication Engineer, I wanted to combine both technical and managerial skills in one piece of academic work. As a result, my master thesis was specialised in learning management System (e-learning) and their critical quality dimensions (Titled: An Investigation of the Quality measures for Distance Learning in Higher Education). Bieng awarded a master degree in quality management has given the chance to deliver a number of training courses a specialized diplomas. In 2009, I joined the college of Health, Community and Educational studies at the University of Northumbria to continue further investigations in the field of Learning Management Systems as a phd candidate. My PhD thesis (Titled: An Investigation of Electronic Learning in Higher Education: The Egyptian Context) investigated the ability of e-learning systems in improving the quality of higher education in Egypt through the proposal of an academic framework for decision makers. The study included a large number of participants (students, academics, employers and government representatives) in order to give a representative sample of the Egyptian society. Since then, I have been specialized in the teaching, design and of master and diploma courses specialized in the field of Management Information Systems at the PQI, besides publishing a number of research papers in the same field. In 2014, I joined the College of International Transport & Logistics (CITL) as a part-time staff member specialized in Information Systems and e-logistics. Then, I fully joined CITL as the Head of Quality Assurance Unit in 2018. Accordingly, I am incharge of national and international accreditation files.



Doctorate - Northumbria University - School of Health, Community and Education -

PhD Learning Management Systems


Master - Arab Academy for Science and Technology -

Master Degree of Quality Managment Quality Managment


work experience

2019 - Till Now


Logistics and Supply Chain Management

2018 - Till Now


Logistics and Supply Chain Management

2016 - 2018


Post graduate Studies

2006 - 2012

Assistant lecturer

International Training / Post graduate Studies

2004 - 2006

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

International Training / Post graduate Studies

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Graduation with honour

Graduatd from the College of Engineering and Technology with GPA 4.00/4.00 (First Rank)

Five certificates of recognition due to excellence in performance in college.

College of Engineering and Technology

Professional Experience

  • Member of Egypt Engineers Syndicate


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

ELS324+ALS324 - E- Logistics

2020 Spring Semester View All Content

EL211-AL211 - Computer (II)

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

EL323+AL323 - Quality Management

2018 Fall Semester View All Content

EL433-AL433 - Management Information Systems

2015 Spring Semester View All Content


contact Me

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Location : AbuKir AAST 103