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Assistant Lecturer


Assistant Lecturer, Basic and Applied Sciences Institute


•Assistant Researcher Mathematics department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University (2010). •Statistical Consultant and data analyzer (2009 – Now). •Teaching Assistant SPSS training for 3rd year students Faculty of Science, Tanta University (2009). •Member in the team work of Management Information System (MIS) project Tanta University (2007).



Doctorate - Faculty of science-Tanta University - Egypt

Abstract The use of probability distributions is essential for accurately modeling all types of ‎datasets in numerous fields, such as economics, engineering, social sciences, ‎health, and biological sciences. The parameterization of probability distributions ‎enables more adaptable models that better reflect the properties of the underlying ‎data. With the growing amount of available data for analysis, new probabilistic ‎distributions are needed to better describe each phenomenon or experiment. The ‎advent of computer-based tools now allows for the use of more complex ‎distributions with a larger number of parameters, making it possible to study larger ‎amounts of data. ‎ Many distributions have been developed and applied, with one or more shape ‎parameters that enable them to take on a variety of shapes. Induction of these ‎parameters has been shown to improve the goodness-of-fit of new distributions, ‎which are particularly useful in modeling applications and can better fit skewed data ‎than existing distributions. The literature in this field presents various methods for ‎modifying continuous distributions, each with the potential to generate a probability ‎distribution that provides a better fit for a given dataset. ‎ This thesis covers most of these methods and is divided into four chapters.‎ Chapter 1 is introductory in nature. At the very outset, it is important to ensure that ‎the thesis can be a comprehensive, standalone research piece. This chapter ‎provides an overview of the basic definitions, main concepts, and estimation ‎methods that are used throughout the thesis. It includes a summary of point ‎estimation, its properties, and methods. The goal of this chapter is to provide a ‎foundation for the reader to understand the subsequent chapters of the thesis.‎ Chapter 2 provides a general introduction to circular statistics and a survey of ‎recent scientific literature, along with the objectives of the study. It introduces and ‎examines three distributions, namely the wrapped lognormal distribution, the ‎wrapped logistic distribution, and the wrapped weibull distribution. The chapter ‎presents their characteristic function, density function, and distribution function, ‎and derives trigonometric moments and related parameters.‎ In Chapter 3, we introduce the wrapped Monsef distribution (WM), a novel ‎probability distribution. We derive its characteristic function, density function, and ‎distribution function, and compute its trigonometric moments and related ‎parameters. We establish its divisibility properties, including infinite divisibility, ‎geometric infinite divisibility, and characterization of the density. ‎ We estimate the model parameters using both characteristic functions and the ‎method of moments and investigate the density function's behavior under various ‎parameter values. Additionally, we obtain expressions for the characteristic ‎function, trigonometric moments, and related descriptive measures. The maximum ‎likelihood estimation method is employed to estimate the model parameters, and ‎we conduct a simulation analysis to demonstrate the accuracy of the resulting ‎estimator. Finally, we apply the suggested model to three real-life datasets and ‎compare its flexibility and performance with that of other wrapped distributions.‎ The significance of reliability has grown considerably in communication technology ‎and industrial fields due to automation and complex mechanization, leading to ‎specializations in mechanical, software, robot, and medical device reliability. ‎Reliability is defined as the probability of a system performing a particular function ‎under specific environmental and operational conditions over a specified time. ‎Stress-strength reliability refers to R=P(Y


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Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

BA327 - Statistics and Numerical Methods

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

EBA110+ABA110 - Mathematics

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

EB128 - Mathematics in business

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

EB127 - Mathematics

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

EA213 - Statistics

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

BA203 - Probability and Statistics

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

BA326 - Mathematics 6 Probability and Statistics

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

BA329 - Probability and Statistics

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

BA102 - Calculus 2

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

BA124 - Mathematics II

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

BA110 - Mathematics (Logistics)

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

BA123 - Mathematics I

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

BA020 - Preparatory Mathematics

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

BA121 - Mathematics 1

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

BA122 - Mathematics 2 Geometric and vector analysis

2010 Fall Semester View All Content


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