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Assistant Lecturer

Salma Mohamed Sami

Assistant Lecturer


Salma Samy is currently a teacher in the college of Language and Communication (CLC), assisting lecturers teaching Grammar, Media and Newspaper Translation, Translation and Lexicology courses. Furthermore, she teaches English for Business as well as Speech and Communication skills in the College of Business Administration. In her seven years of working in the AASTMT, she has taught ESP courses in different colleges such as Maritime college, Logistics, Tourism and Engineering. In addition to her work as a teacher, Salma is a term coordinator and Academic advisor in the CLC. As a coordinator, she manages a team of lecturers teaching courses of varied natures she is responsible for exam proof-reading and photocopying, and providing and ensuring the smooth flow of lesson plans during the term. As an academic advisor, she is in charge of student registration, guiding students regarding registered courses, as well as providing advice and aid in case they encountered problems.



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Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

LCL353 - Lexicology

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

LCT233 - Translation 2

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

LCG111 - Grammar

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

LCT244 - Media & Newspaper Translation

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

LCH130 - ESP (0)

2010 Spring Semester View All Content

LI423 - English for Hospitality and Tourism ( 8 )

2010 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Location : AbuKir 401 401