Current Awareness Services


A quarterly newsletter is sent by email to all the Academy’s lecturers, in order to keep them updated with developments in Library facilities. This newsletter highlights the areas that might be of interest, like a detailed list of new books added to the library collection, new databases and e-journals added, new services, useful web sites, conferences, and dissertation abstracts.
To be added to our mailing list, simply send an e-mail to



Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)

A personalized service tailored to each user’s needs of information. This service is provided to AASTMT’s lecturers. Users can obtain the results either in print format or by email.
To receive this service, you are asked to:

  • Fill a User Profile form, either at the Library or Online.
  • The Information specialist then analyses the descriptors listed by the user in the User Profile form as being the area of interest into subject headings
  • A further filtration is done through asking the user to verify the subject analysis performed by the Information Specialist to eliminate irrelevant subjects or add new keywords that are in turn translated into subject headings, and then the user is asked to verify them once more, and so on until an agreement on a final descriptors list is reached
  • The Information Specialist then enters the User’s Profile into the computerized Library System for processing and a report of available monographs is printed or sent by e-mail to the user whenever an addition to the Library’s database matching his/her interests occurs.