code TM436
credit_hours 3
title Tourism Marketing Research
arbic title
prequisites TM333
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course provides a definition of marketing research and when to use it and when not to use it. It introduces the role of the marketing research in the hospitality industry. It tackles the steps of the research process and the problem definition. These steps include research design and implementation. Then, it differentiates between secondary and primary data, exploratory research and descriptive and causal research. It defines hypothesis testing. It illustrates the relation between Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research. It presents the collection methods and forms of designing data and sample design and data collection. It also introduces the preparation of the research report.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives Reflects the current trends in international marketing research, ethics and the use of computers and the internet. Discuss the nature and scope of marketing research and its role in decision making. Explaining the six step marketing research process theoretically and practically demonstrating it with various case studies.
arabic objectives
ref. books
arabic ref. books
arabic textbook
objective set bullets
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Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introducing Marketing Research Definition When to use When not to use
2 Exploratory Descriptive and Causal Researches Functions Types
3 Role of Marketing Research in Tourism Industry Benefits of Marketing Research Growing implementation of Marketing Research in Tourism Industry
4 Hypothesis Testing Experimental Research Case Studies
5 Research Process and Problem Definition Sixth stage Marketing Research Process Problem Definition Characteristic of different situation Research Proposal and Research Request Statement
6 Markets and Marketing Research Competitive Information External and Internal Sources of Data
7 Research Design and Implementation Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research
8 Design Data Data Collection Methods and Forms Interview, Questionnaire and Observation
9 Types of Data Primary Data Secondary Data
10 Sample Design and Data Collection Sampling Frame Size of Sample Types of Sample
11 Research Reports Importance Parts of Research Reports