code NM391T
credit_hours 2
title Maritime Law
arbic title
prequisites None
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes 1- Identify the legal obligation and responsibility concerningrninternationalConventionsasSOLAS,UNCLOSrnand MARPOLrn2 domonstrate the rights of the seaman rn3. Apply Decision making toolsrn4. Explain the importance of Maritime Law in marine industry. rn5. Recognize the requirements of each convention to apply on boardrnthe ship
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives This section provides the background knowledge to support :rnï‚· Compliance with pollution-prevention requirements.rnï‚· The legal obligation and responsibility concerning international provisionsforthe safety oflife on sea.rnï‚· Describe the rights of the seamanrnï‚· Monitoring compliance with legislative requirements.rnï‚· The certificates and documents required to be onboard according to IMO Conventions and codesrnï‚· Application of Leadership and Team-working skills
arabic objectives
ref. books
arabic ref. books
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 49_NM391T_Maritime Law.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description