code MT262
credit_hours 3
title Navigational Aids
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prequisites BA112
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course aims to meet the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-II/1 of STCW 1995, for the function Navigation at the Operational Level
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objectives This course covers the requirements of the STCW 1995 convention Chapter II, Section A-II/I. this functional elements provide the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Navigation at the operational level. This model course provides the knowledge to support: • The basic theory of electronic navigation systems, and the use of appropriate instruments • The basic principle of Hyperbolic Navigation System ( Loran-C system) • To provide detailed information on the Loran-C signal and the techniques by which Loran-C obtain the ships position • To give a comprehensive introduction to Satellite Navigation System (GPS) • To provide detailed information on the GPS signal, its processing by receiver, and the techniques by which GPS obtains Position, Velocity and Time • To present current information on the status, plans, schedule and capabilities for GPS as well as for other satellite-based systems with position determination applications. • The general principle of echo sounders and methods of recording and displaying the information. • The concept of speed measurement (pressure tube log – electromagnetic speed log – Doppler speed log)
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Course Content
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34 The Course Aims: This course aims to meet the mandatory requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-II/1 of STCW 1995, for the function Navigation at the Operational Level Course Objectives: This course covers the requirements of the STCW 1995 convention Chapter II, Section A-II/I. this functional elements provide the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Navigation at the operational level. This model course provides the knowledge to support: •The basic theory of electronic navigation systems, and the use of appropriate instruments •The basic principle of Hyperbolic Navigation System ( Loran-C system) •To provide detailed information on the Loran-C signal and the techniques by which Loran-C obtain the ships position •To give a comprehensive introduction to Satellite Navigation System (GPS) •To provide detailed information on the GPS signal, its processing by receiver, and the techniques by which GPS obtains Position, Velocity and Time •To present current information on the status, plans, schedule and capabilities for GPS as well as for other satellite-based systems with position determination applications. •The general principle of echo sounders and methods of recording and displaying the information. •The concept of speed measurement (pressure tube log – electromagnetic speed log – Doppler speed log) Prerequisite:BA 112 Credit: 3 HRS