code MG913
credit_hours 3
title Statistics for Management Decisions
arbic title الأساليب الإحصائية لاتخاذ القرارات
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes The course explores how statistics and data analysis can help solving managerial problems. The course will teach students how to use statistics in order to make effective decisions in product development, marketing, personnel, customer service, etc.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives 1. Analyze real world scenarios and select the appropriate type of analytical problem solving technique. 2. Prepare the organization for future trend fluctuations through statistical forecasting methods. 3. Apply statistics to business situations and present information with precision and clarity and fully support business decisions through proven statistical techniques and quality tools. 4. Optimize decisions by applying measurements and tests to data collected. 5. Analyze real world scenarios and select the appropriate type of analytical problem solving technique.
arabic objectives
ref. books
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arabic textbook
objective set
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Course Content
content serial Description
1 Descriptive Statistics: Tabulars and Graphical Presentation
2 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures
3 Sampling and Sampling Distribution
4 Hypotheses Tests
5 Statistical Inferences about Means and Inferences for Two Populations
6 Tests of Goodness of Fits and Independence
7 Linear regression and Multiple regression and correlation
8 Histogram, Run Chart, Check sheets, Pareto Diagram
9 Scatter Diagram, Relations Diagram, Arrow Diagram
10 Design of Experiment
11 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
12 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
13 Final Examination