code MD313
credit_hours 3
title Reporting and writing for the media
arbic title
prequisites MD222
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes rnThis course will introduce students to the overview of reporting and writing for the media. The course offers an introduction to journalism, emphasizing the gathering and writing of news and feature stories for the print and broadcast media, as well as various writings required in public relations and advertising. The course will also cover some fundamental for media writing such as news styles, policies, ethics, and legal issues associated with delivering news and entertainment in diverse forms. Students will be introduced and required to use language skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style and word usage) and writing skills (simple, clear and logical approach for the type of article and intended audience). rn
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives By the end of the term, students should be able to:rn• Think critically about writing for the media (specifically broadcast journalism, public relations and advertising)rn• Be equipped with a knowledge and understanding of the general principles of media writingrn• Develop and apply media reporting and writing skills.rn• Understand the basic concepts of news gathering and news writing rn• Learn and emphasize on style rules and application rn• Understand reporting methods and ethics rn• Learn the basic forms of news writing, particularly the inverted pyramid news story rn• Understand the basics of writing for the web and writing for the broadcast, emphasis will be on reporting, or on the gathering of information, and then turning that raw information into readable, informative and, at times, compelling stories for a mass audience. rn
arabic objectives
ref. books -Local international Jornals The best way to learn how to write the news is to read it and study it every day. Read as many different newspapers as possible. To write the news, you must be informed of current events and trends. rnrnIf you feel you have problems with grammar, you might want to buy this text and workbook. rnrn-Lauren Kessler and Duncan McDonald. When Words Collide: A Journalist`s Guide to Grammar and Style, 5th edition. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 2000. rnrn-Lauren Kessler and Duncan McDonald. Exercises for When Words Collide. 5th edition. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 2000.rn
arabic ref. books
textbook -Brian S. Brooks et al, The Missouri Group, News Reporting and Writing, Seventh Edition , Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002rnWilliam Strunk Jr. & E. B.White, The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, Longman, 2000rnrn-Norm Goldstein, ed., The Associated Press Stylebook 2002 and Briefing on Media Law. New York: The Associated Press, 2002.rn
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objective set
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Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introduction to Reporting Life
2 Sitting Down and Writing
3 Basic Tools of Writing
4 Writing to be Read Fine reporting to great writing Beyond the inverted pyramid
5 Writing in the Media Environment.
6 Writing for Print.
7 7th Week Exam
8 Writing for the Web.
9 Writing for Broadcast
10 Writing Advertising Copy
11 Writing for Public Relations
12 12th Week Exam
13 Writers and the Law
14 Ethics in Writing
15 Review course and prepare for Final presentations
16 Exam- Final presentations