code MD312
credit_hours 3
title Digital media
arbic title
prequisites MD212, CR411
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course is designed to help students articulate and apply the basic principles and processes used in traditional and digital graphic and multimedia design. The student will consider typography, color, images, animation, sound and video as elements of digital design and production. Following a methodical design process, the student will employ essential tools used to create both traditional and digital media. Before enrolling in this course, the student must be skilled in computer operation. It is a foundational course for a variety of professions, including multimedia associate producer, web designer, web content creation specialist, interface designer, multimedia programmer/authoring specialist, multimedia graphic production artist, digital video specialist, interactive/technical writer, multimedia project manager and more.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives By the end of the term, students should be able to:rn• Comprehend the different traditional and digital media designs.rn• Design and create traditional media, print and digital media projects that demonstrate effective use of established design principles for typography, color, images, animation, sound and video.rn• Use text, graphics, audio and video, and digital media which gives the power to shape ideas and deliver messages in a sophisticated digital environment of every profession.rn• Create original designs and express them in traditional, print and animated digital formats.rn• Design and produce digital media to support an assigned virtual client. rn
arabic objectives
ref. books -Vaughn, T. (2006). Multimedia: Making it work, (7th ed.). Berkeley, CA: McGraw-Hill.rn-Pavlik, J.V. (2008). Media in the Digital Age. Paperback. Colombia University Online School of Design (2006) Graphic design portfolio builder. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.rn-Chapman, N., and Chapman, J. (2008). Digital Media Tools. Paperback. Wiley. rn-Douglas K Van Duyne, James A Landay, Jason I Hong (2008). The design ofsites: patterns for creating winning websites. 2nd Edition. Naviscent.rn
arabic ref. books
textbook Lewis, Richard & Luciana, James (2004). Digital Media (An Introduction) Paperback. 1st Edition. Prentice Hall.
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Overview of digital age and media.
2 The difference between traditional media, print and digital media
3 Introduction to Web design
4 Fundamentals of web pages and sites.
5 Fundamentals of Photoshop.
6 Digital illustration (graphics).
7 7th week exam
8 Animation
9 Sound: loops and effects
10 Color models and modes and typographic controls.
11 Movie trailers
12 12th week exam
13 Inventors and innovators of digital media.
14 Production and protection of digital media.
15 Ethical considerations in the digital age.
16 Final Exam