code IS477
credit_hours 3
title Geographic Information Systems
arbic title
prequisites IS273
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course introduces the fundamental concepts underlying computerized geographic information systems (GIS). It combines an overview of the general principles of GIS with a theoretical treatment of the nature and analytical use of spatial information. The course topics include georelational and object-based vector data models, raster data models. Spatial and attribute data input, editing and management, and spatial analysis are covered. The course has a laboratory component, which introduces students to the ESRI ArcGIS software package.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives 1. Explain GIS concepts and data models.
2. Understand spatial and attribute data input, editing, and management.
3. Understand spatial data display and exploration.
4. Understand basic concepts of spatial analysis and GIS data management.
5. Skillfully utilize ArcGIS software as one of the most common GIS programs.
6. Solve a real world problems using GIS technology
arabic objectives
ref. books Michael Law and Amy Collins, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro, ESRI Press. ISBN-13: 978-1589484573
arabic ref. books
textbook Kang-Tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 4_IS477__NOT_OFFERED_THIS_SEMESTER.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description