code IS374
credit_hours 3
title Advanced Database Systems
arbic title
prequisites IS273
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course is an extension of Database Systems course. It covers advanced topics and divergences in DB field. Advanced topics would include data warehousing, OLAP, data mining, web databases, XML databases, and mobile databases. This course will be studying how to develop robust transactional database applications using Java`s open-standard database connectivity JDBC and the role of persistence frameworks & application servers with a persistence service in DB application development. Personal and team projects on databases and database application components development will be key components of the course using the open-source object-relational DB system MySQL.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives 1. Explain the concepts for modeling, designing, querying and managing large databases.
2. Experiment with the modeling and design of data warehousing and OLAP, data mining, web databases, XML databases, and mobile databases.
3. Develop Transactional database applications using Java`s open-standard database connectivity JDBC.
4. Develop database application components using the open-source object-relational DB system MySQL.
arabic objectives
ref. books 1. Thomas Connolly, C. Begg, Database Systems, Addison Wesley.
2. Nenad Jukic, Susan Vrbsky, Svetlozar Nestorov, Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data warehouses, Prentice Hall.
3. Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban, Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics, Prentice Hall.
arabic ref. books
textbook Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufman
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 4_IS374_IS374 - Advanced Database Systems.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description