code HM334
credit_hours 2
title Travel Agencies Operations
arbic title
prequisites TM132
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes This course explores the preparation and design of a tourist program. It provides students with methods of quotation for individuals and groups; hotel accommodation?etc. it presents the relation between travel agencies and hotels, Transfer/ transportation, Calculation of other components of a tourist program and calculation of mark up and commissions. It illustrates exchange service vouchers, types, issuance and calculation, and preparation of program files and evaluation of program. Then, it tackles air transportation. Topics include air timetables, OAG manual (World Time zone map, International time calculator, Baggage allowance; and Reservation cards.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives Plan and design tour programs Explain the relationship between hospitality industry and other service suppliers. Calculate commission and mark up. Deal with airline schedules. Decoding all necessary codes Know how to handle and record reservations properly.
arabic objectives
ref. books
arabic ref. books
arabic textbook
objective set bullets
content set combined
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Preparation and Design of Tour Program Steps Advantages
2 Airline Time Tables Schedule Worldwide City to City Schedule
3 Quotation of a Tour Program for Individuals and Groups Calculating Hotel Accommodation Transfer Transport Meet and Assist Guidance Entry Fees Small Packages Any other services
4 World Time Zone Map GMT Time differences
5 Service Baggage Allowance Piece Concept Weight Concept
6 Calculating Markup and Commission Markup Retailer Commission
7 Reservation Card Components Usage
8 Service Voucher Components of Service Voucher Path of Service Voucher