code EL422
credit_hours 3
title Strategic Management
arbic title الادارة الاستراتيجية
prequisites EL112
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course aims to equip students with the core concepts, frameworks, and techniques of strategic management, which will allow students to understand what managers must do to make an organization –for-profit or a non-profit– to achieve superior performance rather than focusing narrowly on a particular of an enterprise. This course will build on what students have learnt in other business courses and try to put the pieces together throughout this big-picture course. To achieve these purposes, the course will evolve around a theoretical and a practical base simultaneously. While the theoretical part concentrates upon the fundamental factors that determine business success, the practical part is all about acquiring deep insights into the determinants of business success from specific cases.
arabic Description/Outcomes
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ref. books
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objective set
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Course Content
content serial Description