code EC442
credit_hours 3
title Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
arbic title
prequisites EC341
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes Wave equation, Uniform plan waves, Wave propagation in free space, perfect dielectric, lossy and good conductors, skin effect, surface impedance. Normal incidence, reflection coefficient and standing wave pattern. Input impedance, Oblique incidence reflection coefficients for horizontal and parallel polarization Brewster angle, types of polarization. Fundamental parameters of antennas,. Linear wire antenna (infinitesimal, small, finite length dipole, and half-wavelength dipole). Ground wave propagation .Troposphere propagation. Ionosphere wave propagation.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives To apply wave theory to uniform plane waves in different media. To investigates its performance when incident on a boundary between two mediums.rnTo investigate radio wave propagation channels in medium, high and very high frequencies. To investigate different mechanisms of wave propagation.
arabic objectives
ref. books Jordan & Bulmain, "Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems".
arabic ref. books
textbook Balanis, C.A.,"Antenna Theory Analysis and design", second edition, John Willey & Sons,Inc.,1997. W. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics, by McGraw-Hill, Inc., Latest Edition.
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Types of transmission lines and their analysis.
2 Graphical method (Smith Chart).
3 Applications of Smith Charts to solve transmission line problems.
4 Single stub matching.
5 Double stub matching.
6 Triple stub matching, (/4) transformers, Baluns delay lines, and pulse forming.
7 7th week exam.
8 Introduction, wave equations for a rectangular wave guide.
9 Solution of wave equation for TM mode.
10 TE mode and its boundary conditions.
11 Power transmitted and dielectric losses.
12 12th week exam.
13 Wall losses in a rectangular wave guide.
14 Circular Wave guide.
15 Rectangular cavity resonator & Circular cavity resonator.
16 Final examination.