code EC434
credit_hours 3
title Analog Signal Processing
arbic title
prequisites EC432
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes Linear and nonlinear wave shaping, relaxation oscillators, sweep generator, analog filters.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives The student should be familiar with:rnrnAnalysis and design of linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.rnDesign of non-sinusoidal waveform generators.rnDesign of RC active filters.
arabic objectives
ref. books Solid State Pulse circuits, David A. Bell, 1992.rnElectronic Circuit Design, Savant, Roden, Carpenter.rn
arabic ref. books
arabic textbook
objective set
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Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introduction to signal processing, signals and signal sources, different kinds of analog signal processing, for example: Amplification, Rectification, Modulation, Filtering, Clipping, Clamping, etc. Some practical systems that include signal processing operations, for example: Radio and Television receivers
2 Linear wave shaping, RC circuits, integrators, differentiators.
3 Time and frequency response of RC circuits, Attenuators, compensating circuit, Non-Linear wave shaping.
4 Clipping Circuits and their applications, Simple clipping circuits, Biased clipping circuits.
5 Diode-Capacitor circuits (Clamping Circuits), Clamping circuits and their applications, Perfect Clamping, Practical Clamping circuits
6 Relaxation Oscillators, Introduction and mechanical analogies, Analysis and design of Astable Multivibrators,
7 Analysis and design of Voltage to frequency converters, Analysis and design of Monostable Multivibrators.
8 Analysis and design of Bistable Multivibrators, Triggering of Bistable Multivibrators, Schmitt Trigger, Op-Amp Astable and Monostable Multivibrators
9 The 555 timer, internal structure and Operation as Astable and Monostable Multivibrators.
10 Sweep generator Circuits. A basic sweep circuit, Switch-controlled sweep circuits using BJT, UJT and PUT, Constant current sweep generators.
11 Miller integrator, Boot-strap sweep generator circuit.
12 Analog Filters, Historical review of filters, Ideal filter response, Transfer function of filter functions, Realization of 2nd order sections, Design steps.
13 Approximations to the ideal LPF response, Butterworth approximation, Chebyshev approximation, Elliptic approximation, design from the pole-zero distribution.
14 Design of active filters using catalogue. Switched capacitance filters.
15 Revision.
16 Final Examination