code AR424
credit_hours 2
title Functional Requirements in Interior Environment
arbic title -
prequisites None
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes This course is Methods for Design of the interior spaces. The purpose of interior design is the al improvement, aesthetic enrichment, and psychological enhancement of interior spaces. The purpose of this course is to study of the relationship between users` activity, furnishing requirements and design.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives • Enhance the student`s practical skills of shaping contemporary interior space in private and public buildings. Before commencing any interior space we should ask ourselves some questions and then try to find the answers …The questions could be categorized thinking process of design. This questions like (What? Who? Where? Why? How?) And to know sources of information for space requirements in Interior.
arabic objectives
ref. books • BARR, Vilma Francis, Interior Design Illustrated, John Wiley &Sons, N.Y, 1987.rn• BURDEN Ernest, Entourage: A Tracing File for Architecture and Interior Design Drawing, N.Y., Mcgraw Hill, 3rd Ed,1996.rn• DONG Wei, Color Rendering: A Guide for Interior Designers and Architects Concept, Exploration and Process, Mcgraw Hill, N.Y., 1997.rn• MASSEY Anne, Interior Design of the 20th Century, Thames & Hudson, London, 1990.rn• MILLER Mary, Color for Interior Architecture, Wiley, N.Y., 1997.rn• PILE John F, Interior Design. 2nd Ed., Harry N. Abrams Inc. Pub., N.Y., 1995.rn• TAYLOR Lesley, Interior Design Illustrated, London, North Holand, 1998.rn• VERNON Mays, Offices + Workspaces, Rockport Publisher, Canada, 1998.
arabic ref. books
textbook N/A
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 46_AR424_Functional Requirements in Interior Environment.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Project 1 rnIntroduction: natural by (Allah) and man- made design.
2 Building interior design and process of providing all information for constricting of building that will meet its owners requirements and also satisfy public health, welfare and safety requirements
3 Definition of interior design: plan preliminary sketches, arrangement of parts.
4 Interior space , Project Design development(What a concept is?)
5 Interior space, Project Design development(Types of design concepts)
6 The Principles of interior design (proportion and scale –Balance)
7 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
8 The Principles of interior design (Rhythm-Emphasis –Unity)
9 Design components(site and location-Users-programming)
10 Materials and colors (1). Design development: Students are asked to present a conceptual design in response to the project’s collected data and according to the chosen theme of the project.
11 Materials and colors (2). Design Development: Students are asked to express their ideas through furniture arrangements and 3D drawings in correspondence with the materials, colors and lighting plan that’s to be used in the project.
12 Project Design Developed
13 Mechanical equipments Pre-final submission of the 2nd project
14 Aesthetic values in interior designrnFinal Presentation and Submission: Students are asked to submit their projects for evaluation.
15 Revision.