code AR326
credit_hours 2
title Computer Graphics Design
arbic title -
prequisites AR283
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes This course develops the students` capacity to handle all the tools, techniques, softare and media that are available in the vast world of graphics. The course focuses on developing critical and creative thinking processes to prepare the students for any professional setting.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives • Provide the student knowledge of graphic design history, principles and practices.rn• Provide the student with skills of editing, refining, adjusting, presenting, and building virtual objects…etc.rn• Encourage students to develop and present their architectural designs and creative ideas.
arabic objectives
ref. books • ROSE, Carla, Adobe Photoshop 5 US, Sams Publishing, USA, 2007.
arabic ref. books
textbook • LYNCH, Richard, Using Adobe Photoshop, Sams Publishing, USA, 2006.
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 46_AR326_Computer Graphic Design.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introduction: Getting started with sketch-up. Working with files, exporting and importing.
2 Drawing tools, editing tools, construction tools, shadows.
3 Styles, components, materials.
4 Sections, animation, scenes.
5 Introduction: Getting started with Piranesi. Importing from sketchup.
6 Coloring modes, locks and cutouts.
7 Materials, Special techniques.
8 Digital painting and moving paint.
9 Introduction: Getting started with Photoshop.Working with files: new files, saving, editing preferences, using rulers, guides, and grid.
10 Selection modes: Selecting geometric areas, using lasso tool, ing by color range, rnModify Selection: Resizing, rotating, flipping, cropping an image, canvas editing
11 Color modes and colors models.rnAdjusting colors and layers - Paint brushing and Art Tools.
12 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
13 Multiple layers and layer Techniques.rnUsing masks and channels pallets - paths, filters, and image improving techniques.
14 Artistic and distortion filters.
15 Revision